1. Today I got a massage. It was more of an assault than a relaxing experience. I'm actually sore from this massage. That's sad.....I'd be lying if I said I'd give them a second chance and go back because I won't. But my friend was treating me to this massage, so I'm grateful. And it wasn't ALL bad.
2. I'm doing really well with my feelings about the BU. Getting stronger all of the time. God really does heal.
3. I went to a workshop today on networking. It was actually really good. I must admit that I'd always looked down on the whole concept because I equated the word w/ job hungry vultures. But it's really about building relationships for future career progression. Now, I have a lot of work to do to catch up.
4. I sang at a work event a couple of weeks ago. It's funny because I normally only sing for church, so I keep that very separate from my work life. Now, my coworkers know that I sing. I've even given one the link to my other blog. I'm still a little uncomfortable w/ those 2 parts of my life mixing. But I'm interested to see how (or if) God will use that.
5. I'm really for spring to get sprung in LA. It needs to heat up like right now. That's all.
6. Next weekend I'm off to Palm Springs on a vacation w/ my girls from high school. We haven't all seen each other since Arlene's wedding (in 2008)7 and we've NEVER done a trip like this before (although, we've talked about it for years). I'm looking forward to it because I need a break and I miss these girls. But I'm a little worried that it might be awkward because we haven't hung out as a group for so long. I'll blog about how it goes.
7. Tomorrow is Easter. Let's all remember Jesus and His passion for us.