Friday, February 15, 2008

Funfetti Cake Makes People Crazy

I'm having a kinda crappy morning, so I thought I'd get on here and blog. Maybe that will get me back on track.

Yesterday I had an "A HA / God must think we're crazy" moment.

Since yesterday was Valentines Day, I made a cake and brought it to work. I put the cake out in our kitchen with a note next to it that said "Enjoy the funfetti cake. Remember: You Are Loved." I didn't put my name on the note because I didn't want to make a big deal about it. What I didn't expect was my co-workers make it a big deal. The only thing that would talk about ALL DAY was "who made the cake?" They went around asking everyone (actually, they never really asked me They even accused a few people of making it. At first it was kinda funny to me. But as the day went by, they got crazier and crazier. People were really frustrated that they didn't know. Then, about 5 people practically attacked this one poor lady because they were convinced that she made it (ironically, she was the only one who knew that I had made it). And it wasn't even in a friendly way. They were raising their voices. At that point, I finally told them it was me.

OMG - I couldn't believe that my coworkers pretty much lost their minds cuz they didn't know who made a cake and told them they were loved!

Then I realized that many of us do that all the time. God - where is my husband? Where is my new job? When am I going to buy a house/car? Will he ever ask me to marry him? Will she ever know that I'm alive? When will I get a promotion? When we don't get an answer in the time that we think it should come, we start to lose our minds. We end up doing stupid stuff to try to manufacture the answer or outcome that we want. Buy a new, revealing waredrobe to make him notice you...Go into debt that you'll never be able to get out of to buy a house or car you can't afford...Wear yourself out trying too hard to get that promotion...Yes, sometimes we have to be proactive to get what we want or feel we deserve. But sometimes we really don't have control over the situation and we just need to wait.

The lesson: Sometimes you won't get the answer. In some situations, you'll never know why. That is NO excuse to get stupid. Learn the difference between proactive and being desparate.

Remember, you really ARE loved. God loves us and doesn't want us to settle for manufactured blessings. He wants to do exceeding abundantly all that we can ask or think. But sometimes you just have to wait on him to see that promise fufilled.

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