Friday, June 13, 2008

Random Thoughts

A few things to ponder or try out:

  • If hope deferred makes the heart sick (Prov. 13:12), then would hope that is killed permanently damage the heart?
  • I wonder how close people have come to knowing the mysteries of God and the spiritual realm. Have you ever been trying to figure out a complicated spiritual matter and came up w/ some theories, but kinda gave up because you couldn't come to a conclusion? I wonder how close we've actually come "solving the mystery" of what God was doing or why something happened at this time, etc.
  • Think I mentioned this in my last post, but check out Tommy Walker's "Do it Lord" and "When I Don't Know What to Do." They are great songs.

Okay, I'm done.

As an update, I'm crazy busy right now. Things should slow down a little after this weekend, but I still have a lot on my plate this summer. I don't want to give anything away prematurely, but I think we might see my vision of bridging the gap become more public by the end of the year. Yep, yep...things are moving....

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