Thursday, November 29, 2007

Round Two

I know! I'm bad! It's been over a week since I updated, I think!

Sorry! It kinda annoys me when people tell you to read their blog and then they don't update it. So I'm sorry.

Anyway, I don't have much to say. I'm leading worship again on Sunday. I'm excited. Really, I am. But, of course, I'm getting attacked big time this week. How do I know? Let's see. I found out Monday that I would be leading on Sunday. Since then:

1. A cold came on
2. 2 friends told me things that really could be distractions for me if I let them
3. I'm having trouble focusing on prayer and Word time
4. I've been tempted to slip back into old bad habits

Ahh! Sometimes I wish I could just grab satan by the neck and shake him and say, "Leave me alone!!!!" But satan is a liar and here's what I know to be true. Satan doesn't attack anything that isn't a threat to him and his plans. I had a cold the last time I led worship and it's really not a big deal. I understand that I can't solve my friends' problems, but I can pray for them and be supportive. And I am not the person I used to be. So those old tricks are useless.

Sunday is going to be great! But not because I'm going to do an awesome job. Sunday will be great because God is great and we are going to following His leading. P. Chuck will preach and people will hear the Word of God and be given the choice to act on it. In that case, how could it not be awesome?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dionna,
In spite of the sorry attacks by whats his face, you did just fine on Sunday! I was having similar problems getting my message to make sense up through late Saturday night. It happens very often that I will get a direction from the Lord and feel great about the potential message. Then later, I literally ask myself "what the heck am I talking about? Why would the people want to hear this garbage?!!" Same thing happens when I lead worship!
So, welcome to the club!

Seems like God moves the most when I FEEL the most insecure! Go figure!